Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I have just started taking a Web design course and this is a requirement. I'd rather talk about other things but Its supposed to have something to do with Web design, so here we go. (Maybe I'll ramble a bit later)


You all didn't feel the effects of that pause but I was actually just trying to find a cool site for the last hour. I am settling on StumbleUpon. I know it's been around for a while but it's the first time I've ever tried it. I can already tell that I am going to have to ignore the urge to click "Stumble!" on my toolbar if I have something important to do. It seems very addicting and time can vanish into thin air quickly. The reason I think it's a good website is that everyone's experience will be different. Choose your interests and start stumbling. The more someone clicks like or dislike on the results, the more tailored the experience will be to that person. Good job StumbleUpon. 

Ramble time......

I chose the title of this blog because it was the second thing that popped in my head. The first was "The Incredible Adventures of Supperman" but then I saw that the blog was supposed to be about web design. I do love me some dinner.

I like to joke, a lot. Most people don't know if I'm serious or not. I find that very amusing. On that note I have a very-very important announcement:

After several decades of deep thought on the subject, I have come to the final conclusion that, "Everything Is". Thanks to all of my supporters in this important matter.

The first two final conclusions of "Everything Was" and "Everything Will Be" should be disregarded from this point forward. Minor miscalculations, my bad.

On a side note.... The "Everything Is" conclusion ends my research on the "you may all be figments of my imagination theory". Since you are all obviously real, I would just like to say I hope you have a nice day. ;-)

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